Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week 10 and 11 - Last Doctor Visit and More Physical Therapy

Week 10 (10/28)
I met with my surgeon for the last time today.  He was pleased with the scar and healing of my ankle.  I told him that there is some popping towards the front of my ankle with no pain.  After he examined it and asked more questions he determined that it is fluid in my ankle from swelling that is creating gas, which is released.  He said this is normal and I shouldn't be worried about.  He told me to come in if it causes pain, or if I can feel the tendon popping.  I don't have to wear the ankle brace anymore, unless I do a lot of walking or running on uneven surfaces.  I was also advised against any side to side motion of the ankle (playing soccer, basketball, football, etc.) until at least 6 months post surgery.  I think I will avoid playing physical sports until my ankle stop swelling when exercising.

Week 11 (11/4)
I thought today would be my last day of visiting the physical therapist.  They measured my flexibility and strength again today.  Both areas have improved since last time.  They also had me do more balancing exercise and flexing my ankle with a band.  They added a new exercise; standing on a balance trainer with one foot for at least 30 seconds.  It puts more stress on my ankle, but I can see how it will help improve my balance and strength.  My visit was quick and they want me to come back on the 15th of this month to work on running again.  I haven't been running since June of this year.  Hopefully it goes well.

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