Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 4 - Improvement

The beginning of my first week back to work was difficult.  I didn't realize how much my body still needed to rest.  The first few days I found it difficult to stay awake in the afternoon.  I usually work four 10 hour days, and have almost every Friday off.  The days felt like they lasted forever.  I didn't have any problems with swelling or pain.  I stopped taking ibuprofen every day, and only ice my ankle at night.  The incision seems to be healing well.  The scabbing is coming off.  I feel like I can put weight on my foot and walk.  I haven't done that yet and will wait to see what my limitations will be when I visit the doctor again in two weeks.  I'm looking forward to not wearing the boot and limping every where I go.  I do have some loss of feeling towards the lower half of my scar.  It's just on the surface of the skin I can't feel anything.  I can feel the pressure when I press on it.  It may or may not come back.  I'm not too worried about that.

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