Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 7 - Physical Therapy

The only pain I have experienced this last week came from shin splints. My left shin only hurts when walking and I can't stretch the muscle enough yet since my ankle is still too stiff.  Walking too fast or taking long strides aggravates the pain.   Hopefully the pain will go away as I complete the exercises given to me during physical therapy.  The physical therapy facilities at TOSH are excellent.  My appointment was this afternoon and I didn't have to wait long after filling out paper work. 

The physical therapist asked a few questions about my injury and how my pain has been since the surgery, and then we got right to work.  He started by taking measurements of flexibility and swelling in my left ankle and comparing them to my right ankle.  He also measured the amount of pressure my foot could exert in four different directions.  This information is used to evaluate my progress in the upcoming weeks and to give us a starting point.

The exercises that I learned today are to improve strength and balance.  The first few use a flat exercise band with a loop tied on one end for my foot.  The other end is held in my hand.  The band provides resistance as I move it up and down, or side to side.  It didn't cause any pain, but I could see that my foot was weak from the shaking it did after going through several reps.  The physical therapist also had me stand on one foot (the injured foot) and balance.  The first few times seemed difficult, but the muscle memory came back quick.  He then had me close my eyes and try to balance.  I was surprised how much more difficult this was, even with my good foot it was difficult. 

The other exercises use a tube shaped exercise band.  One end is attached to a fixed object, I will use a closed door at home, and the other end is held in both hands.  I am too hold both hands away from my body and write the alphabet in the air while standing on my left foot.  When this gets easier I can stand further away from the door to create more resistance in the band.  The exercises didn't create any pain in my ankle and they were not difficult to do.  I am do to do all these exercise for every day for the next two weeks at home.  I will return to the physical therapy office in two weeks for an evaluation.  By the end of today I could tell my ankle was swollen more than usual.  I was told to expect this as I exercise and use my ankle more.

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