Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fall Back

My foot was feeling great until Monday afternoon, about a week after surgery.  I was headed up the stairs to take a bath when I lost my balance and used my splinted, non-weight bearing, supposed to keep off and protect foot to catch my fall and place most of my weight on it.  Pain!!!!  Nothing but pure pain shot into my ankle and up my leg.  I think I even saw stars.  I don't know how I fell back, but it happened.  I stood on the stairs with both hands pressed against the walls on either side and quickly put all my weight on right foot and yelled in agony.  I was worried I damaged the repair or ripped the stitches out.  I didn't feel or hear any snapping or popping.  It had been a week since I used any of the Oxycontin pills.  I took as many as the prescription allowed and iced and elevated my foot.  It took an hour or so for the meds to kick in.  My foot hasn't felt the same since.  Before the fall it would hurt when it wasn't elevated.  Now the swelling and pain is more intense.  Hopefully it will get back to were it was before the fall.

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