Sunday, August 18, 2013

Surgery Eve

Last Friday I called the pre-admission nurse to find out my surgery time.  I am to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 6:30 am to check in.  Hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep tonight.  I'm not really nervous about the surgery itself.  It's the slow recovery and physical therapy that I am not looking forward to.  The kids are staying with grandma and grandpa tonight.  I'm grateful they live close, and the kids love being with them.  My wife gets to hang out at the hospital all day while I sleep through everything.  I'm not sure who the lucky one is.  If I'm feeling up to it tomorrow, I'll post about how the surgery went.

Picture of my left ankle the night before surgery.  Some swelling can be seen between the ankle and 5th metatarsal.

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